April 20, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Ages: 4 -13 years
Gather together with other LEGO fans for a morning camp to build LEGO robots and for epic robotic challenges such as BattleBot. Campers learn about Scratch programming language using sensors and logic for slick BattleBot moves. No experience necessary. Our instructors help the campers with building cool robots. The robots battle to the death and the last robots standing wins Battlebot Medals for all that built it. We keep running the Battlebot rounds until everyone’s robot wins at least once so that we have happy campers.
The LEGO BattleBot is available for purchase so that students can keep the BattleBot that your child built during class – LEGOs and all. Register with the option to the take home LEGO BattleBot with the user guide for continued use after the class. LEGO Robots come with a remote, light sensor and ultrasonic sensor. If you purchased the Arduino LEGO Robot from a previous class then bring it back to build and program the LED expansion set on it. Ready, Set, Go LEGO!