Earn a STE(A)M Grant for LEGO Robotics

If your school is applying for a STEM grant, we can help! The example criteria below are based on the requirements for Indiana’s DOE grant and Ohio’s STE(A)M Designation. If you’d like more customized advice or help filling out your grant, just let us know!
This curriculum can be utilized to meet the following standards (and many others):
Common Core Mathematical Practice Standards
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Common Core English Language Arts Standards
Information and Technology Essential Standards (ITES)
Computer Science Standards (CSTA)
Indiana Academic Standards: Science and Computer Science

Students Being Served:
Our curriculum ensures that all students are able to follow an Engineering Design Process and achieve success.

Technology Resources and Supports for Students:
Utilize LEGO EV3 robots (most schools already have enough EV3 sets to implement our program) along with our video curriculum to support students with little prep from teachers.

STEM Instructional Approach Training:
We provide live professional development training for teachers and administrators via video teleconference, as well as an instructional video series that explains and demonstrates our program.

STEM Instructional Support:
Teachers do NOT need prior LEGO robot experience. We provide all the support necessary.

Equitable Access to High Quality STEM Programming:
All students achieve success via project-based learning and gain confidence in STEM.

SMART Goal for Implementation Plan:
We teach SMART goals to students in our Invent-A-Bot / Mock Shark Tank module, and can provide SMART facts for grant writers.

Robot Academy can ensure a quick and easy implementation process. Whatever your timeline is, we can get you up and running.

Sustainability Plan:
New teachers can be trained in no time at all, making this the most sustainable STEM program out there.

Grant Budget:
Instead of charging you thousands of dollars for proprietary robotics sets, we enable you to use existing LEGO EV3 sets (as few as 2 per classroom), making us an incredibly cost-effective option for schools looking to spread their grant money across multiple investments.

Cultural Strategies:
We teach SMART goals to students in our Invent-A-Bot / Mock Shark Tank module, and can provide SMART facts for grant writers.

Inclusive Mission and Personalized Training:
Our curriculum ensures that all students are able to follow an Engineering Design Process and achieve success. All students achieve success via project-based learning and gain confidence in STEM. We provide live professional development training for teachers and administrators via video teleconference, as well as an instructional video series that explains and demonstrates our program.

School Leadership:
Utilize LEGO EV3 robots (most schools already have enough EV3 sets to implement our program) along with our video curriculum to support students with little prep from teachers.

Governing Body/STEM Advisory Group:
With our program, new teachers can be trained in no time at all, making this one of the most sustainable STEM programs out there. Teachers do NOT need prior LEGO robot experience. We provide all the support necessary. We ask that one teacher/administrator be designated our primary contact, but we will work to support your entire staff in implementing the program.

Questions? Contact Us!

(available until 5/17/2019)

This module introduces LEGO Robotics, guides kids through the process of building and programming the MicroBot, and provides an engaging Jousting Tournament so that kids can not only test but also compete with their creations.
  • 1 Professionally-Produced
    “Robot Guy” Video
  • 2 In-Depth Building/Programming Tutorials
  • License to Display Videos:
    1 Location for 1 Year
  • 1 Comprehensive Teacher
    Training Videos
  • Ready-To-Use Lesson Plans and Templates
  • BONUS: Live "Onboarding"
    Webinar with Michael and Gail