Robot Club

Robot Club Signup

Use this form to sign up for Robot Club, a members-only online forum where our students can collaborate, share ideas, and seek help with their designs from peers and instructors. Robot Club membership is free for our online camp students. Click the ‘Have a coupon?’ link that’s right above the ‘Sign Up’ button and use the discount you were given by your instructors.

You can sign up using the email address you used to register for online camp (you may already be logged in to our website with the account you created upon registering for camp, in which case you won’t see a field to enter a new email address below… you’ll only see fields to add your first and last name), or you can register with a different email address. If you’re currently logged in and you’d like to register with a different email address instead to create a fresh account for the student, click here to log out and then return to this page.